Thursday, January 19, 2017


After so many months of eating in Pollock as some inane Trump quip played on CNN in the background, today I finally watched the guy salute the Lincoln Memorial as I shoved pizza into my mouth. The two-day inauguration process has begun, and I want more pizza. I've been alternating between emotional and exhausted. Politics is a dirty game and this is the biggest loss of my life.

Sometimes it's hard to tell what feelings (of mine) are derived from this situation and what are just due to my own shit. I still love hip-hop and I'm still horny - this is all as internal as 5 years ago. But the stress and exhaustion may partly be symptoms of some larger stress and exhaustion that have plagued the anti-Trump sphere of the political world since the election (and of course before it).

Squirrels scatter up trees and cars glide down the road so effortlessly. I feel quite full and do not want any more pizza.

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